Weekend Recap

Hey Everybody.

Friday night was a blast and a lot of folks reeeeely got blasted. Some dude sporting a 1983 pink mohawk was tweaking hard and tried to sing along with Eaton Lake Tonics while groping every female in sight. Eric was under the weather and somehow managed to finish 2 sets (Escort Service and JT) without passing out. Still, we rocked and I left the stage feeling elated. Amanda was a sweetie, taking care of the door cash and merch sales. Eaton Lake Tonics were wonderful hosts too. They have such a wide variety of tunes – I’m still digesting the intricacies of their cd – good stuff. Thanks so much guys for making our fort worth trip comfy.

On Saturday night I saw Edie Brickell and New Bohemians at Club Dada. It was almost like time traveling back to 1987 – everything sounded just as good as then. They played some new tunes – not quite as memorable as the old stuff. Perhaps thats because I’ve heard the material so much. The patio was packed with people who absorbed the sound so the volume was really enjoyable. Paul Simon was about 2 feet away from me, watching his wife do her thing. I didn’t whip him with chatter or an autograph request.

Sunday – I started in on a new demo. Hopefully I can share some of these new tunes with the band later in the year when we re-assemble.