The Reviews Begin

Thanks for the plug and shout out Cindy!

More reviews (positive and negative) coming soon.

Here are some fan/friend e-mails:
Mark Pittman sez – Hey, I listened to yer latest last night on my big stereo, and the phrase that kept resounding in my brain was “pure pleasure”. Mixing and mastering helps loads, no? Not that it was bad before, but everything that previously stuck out in a negative way seems to have been smoothed out in the m&m process.

Harvey Barham sez – I’ve had Sweet Simulacra in the car stereo for the past few days and have given it a good listening to. My faves are the title track and FIRST FIVE. The title track is a huge homerun and by far and away the hit single on the record. That chorus is herion-like it’s so addictive. You were smart to make that tune the album opener (for shameless marketing purposes.) I used to think ELECTRCITII or DOWN was your best, but I think this tune has given those a serious run for thier money. As for the song FIRST FIVE, I thought it was one of the better “rockers” on the album. AS per usual, I favor your simpler tunes over the more complex ones. You done good, man. You have every right to be proud.

Wendy Moore sez – I thought the whole album was great. Starting with the title song was a perfect high-energy beginning and ending with the mellow “Hollywooden Dreams” a great way to say good bye. I think the diversity of tunes throughout kept it interesting and the clever and original lyrics always impress me. The vocals on this album blow me away – the melodies and harmonies are great and the range Jeff has is amazing.

The band is truly all-star quality and just makes each of the songs come together nicely. Great music for sure! My fav songs were the title song of course – catchy and energetic; and probably a close second would be “Be Cool” – it starts solid with cool organs and goes into that kick-ass bass line, then continues with Jeff’s awesome voice range, clever lyrics and some really interesting music going on the entire time. It was hard to choose though I really liked them all. Good job on the whole album – I was definitely impressed.

If you have thoughts – positive or negative, send them to me – joneserooni at comcast dot net