Sweet Simulacra overload

Hey Kids,

Just wanted to thank everyone who came to the show last night. Saw a lot of folks I hadn’t seen in a long long time. It was a great success. We had a blast. I wanted to sit down and watch the band with you. Chris, Joe, Eric and Trey are such bad asses. Not bad for 3 2 short practices in the last 2 weeks!

We sold lots of copies of the cd (thanks Amanda and Val) and I’ve now made it available direct via PayPal. Digital Distribution (emusic, iTunes, etc) coming very soon via cdbaby.com distribution – tho we don’t make that much money that way.

Thanks to Cindy at TexasGigs.com for the publicity. Thanks to Amanda for creating a great press release/kit.

On Sunday me and a few of the boys will be appearing on Miscommunication.net – another great local podcast. Will letcha know how that goes.

I am hoppy-cited about everything.

7 replies
  1. amanda
    amanda says:

    Jeef, I found more money in my jeans pocket that belongs to you.

    Walt, I need your e-mail address.

    I shall now go back to nursing my hangover.

  2. drumTrey
    drumTrey says:

    sigh, i keep having to correct jeffer that we only had TWO practices before this gig, becasue the one we did over 2 weeks ago had a statute of limitations of about 3 days 🙂
    all of which makes us look live even bigger badasses and incredibly creative fakes! in fact, the jeff jones fake book will be published early next year for those who are interested in knowing exactly how to play these wild and woolly songages.

    rock on. thanks for jones-ing with us.

  3. amanda
    amanda says:

    Trey…have you ever considered typing your posts in Word first? Word has this little paperclippy guy that will help you with your spelling.

    If that’s too complicated, I may have and old Speak and Spell laying around.


  4. paul
    paul says:

    Thank you very much for sitting in with us and bringing your posse.

    Your fans will be pleased to know you used up your dad jokes on our show and will continue to keep your song lyrics pure.

  5. Kimmie
    Kimmie says:

    OMG! So I like totally went to see a gig last week at like some skanky place on GASTON. They were so ROXOR! I think they were like sponsered by Sweet n Lo or something. It made me want Ice Tea, but not the real Ice Tea, I like the blackberry Ice Tea from Chilis. Chilis is such a cool place to hang with my friends. I love all the chatchkies on the wall. And the jalepenos poppers are the best. So AAR, the band was really good. I like the song Hollywooden Dreams. They didnt play it live, but I bought a cd and uploaded it to my video IPOD. BTW, got my rich Daddy to buy that for me. That song reminds me of when I tried out for American Idol, Randy was so in to me it wasnt even funny. I told all my friends on AIM to check out this website. And they told me O RLY? and I said YA RLY, then they said, NO WAI, and I said YA WAI. The only bad part about the night is when the drummer guy told me he was bobby bill thorn or something and tried to kiss me… Ewe gross he smelled like smoke. OK TTYL.

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