Jeff and Trey get interviewed and get trashed on the BM show

Jon and Walt of The BM Show interviewed me and Trey last night. Check out the podcast here, or on iTunes or in their little flash player (may be out of order). Had a great time.

If frank language offends you, please do not listen.

Direct downloads

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3 with Trey
Segment Drunk

A few notes to self: stop the y’knows. only have 4 beers max during an interview. no need to curse all the time.

10 replies
  1. drumTrey
    drumTrey says:

    “only have 4 beers max during an interview. no need to curse all the time.”

    yeah, i don’t think i cursed once during my sement 🙂
    (or did i?)

  2. Guysports
    Guysports says:

    What kind of listenership does that show get? I am curious to know if the narrowcasting has caught on much. Sadly, I no longer have RTVF classes at UNT to give me the pulse of broad/pod/narrow-casting.

    Because-if you do a show and no one is there to hear it, did you really do a show? Maybe it was all a dream? Maybe it was all at a “Dream Theater” concert? Hmm… Can’t wait for LGB.

    Guy Sportts

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