Mixin’ Fun Has Begun

Friday – GLosers CD release was greatness – lots of new and old faces drinking, listening and buying ‘shuffled’. I’ll post a review of the album later.

Saturday – Back at Artisan. Was nice to see Tye and Paul again. We started late on Saturday afternoon due to technical difficulties but were able to complete ‘Hollywooden Dreams’. I think Paul wanted to get that one out of the way because it was his least favorite track (I am paranoid and making assumptions of course), but when I presented him with the over-hyped string part, he was giddy and provided me with several bursts of praise once he heard it all the way through. Glad I’m shelling out the extra bucks to spend a lot of time with each song’s mix so they’ll be as polished as possible.

Next, we began working on ‘So Green/Human Reel’. There was a question with Chris’ piano part in the rough mix, but we determined it was warbly due to 2 takes appearing simultaneously. A quick edit job (mute this here, open this there) did the trick and now it sounds correct. As previously noted, I tortured Chris, one of the best guitarists in town, with this quick piano run-hook that was really easy to program on the computer, but hard to actually play live – hehe.

Perhaps I should compile all of the mixin’ notes and post the highlights at the end – I’m afraid of this blog thingy turning into short posts like:

Got up at 6:21 am
Shaved – but my razor was dull – urgh! I need new razors
Smoked a cigarette outside – it was cold! OMG this weather!!
Decided to telecommute today – but my connection was slower than usual. Oh well. It beats that traffic! LOL!!!
etc. etc. blah blah freakin’ blah.

Anyway – here’s the proposed order of the cd if you care. Chris came up with it and I likey.

1. Sweet Simulacra
2. First Five
3. So Green/Human Reel
4. Ego
5. Little Doll
6. You’ll Come Around
7. The World’s Ventriloquist
8. Anymore
9. Mariner’s Dilemma
10. Hollywooden Dreams
11. Be Cool