Audio Blog – Hollywooden Dreams for a sleepless night

I was dead around 7:30 Tuesday evening, slept a long time, then awoke in the middle of the night and decided to create a li’l audio post for the site. You can podcast via the link in the right-hand nav or just listen to it here on this page.

I took one of our ‘non-jonesthing’ tunes that will be on the new cd and pulled out the various demos and parts that led up to the final version, providing some explanation here and there. Lemme know what you think. If you like, I’ll do another one in early January.

Hollywooden Dreams – Explicated (128kbps – 17 mb – 17.5 minutes)

4 replies
  1. Sal-hi-pat-ica
    Sal-hi-pat-ica says:

    Hey, I enjoyed it! It was interesting to hear a bit about how such things come together. And yes, the sub-conscious just keeps doin’ its job! Thanks! S. Patica

  2. Luke Plese
    Luke Plese says:

    Man I enjoyed that. Not having any musical talent at all its very interesting to hear such things. It just reminds me of how much of a caveman I am and how little creativity I possess. Click Click… no funeral.

  3. drumTrey
    drumTrey says:

    Thanks Jeff, that’s a great idea and a very kewl feature. And you sound like a true professional to boot! Nice to hear the string part all by itself. A lot of people probably don’t realize how much a band member can miss recording an album. I wasn’t there for all of mixing sessions so I never heard the string section solo’d out. Great composition on your part, of course, as always. and You will be the next Danny Elfman.

  4. paul
    paul says:

    i downloaded this a while back and finally listened to it.

    if you have the time and inclination i’d enjoy hearing more of these. most of us will never get close do doing what you guys do and this answers a lot of the questions someone like me doesn’t know enough to even ask.

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