Monday Notes from Artisan

Every ‘required’ part has been tracked and now we get to goof off and make all sorts of noise and experimental nonsense today. You might ask, “why don’t you just book a few more days and have even more fun?” Well, I set a goal of tracking 11 songs in 7 days and we’ve done it! If I booked more time, I’d want to spend it on vocals and other instrument takes. We got in, did what we needed to do and got out. I just can’t justify spending more of my own money on something that already sounds so good. By the time mixing is done in December, we should have something we’ll all be proud of.

Last night was kinda quick – finished all vocals and backing vocals. Tye layed down some really steady percussion. We organized the ‘Anymore’ loops and tracks together too.

Joe’s coming in later this evening to help create some guitar effects and noises. We’ll have Tye do some more percussion stuff and drink lots of beer.

I’ll sum up our tracking exploits tomorrow. We’ll have a rough mix of everthing then too.

Oh – here are some quick pics…

The ’50s amp that decimated the room.

Nice old org.

yer Rhodes

Charting progress mess (click for larger version if you care)
click for larger version if you care